CD Instant Oats
"The Oatmeal Jazz Combo" was founded at Stony Brook University in 2009, when a group of friends decided to record an album for fun. The group’s name comes from the sound proof practice rooms, which were falling apart so much, that the foam looked like nasty oatmeal peeling off the walls. Since then the members have become geographically dispersed, but still get together periodically, their persistence winning the attention of Downbeat, which profiled them in June, 2013 and reviewed them in May 2015. Seven years later, The Oatmeal Jazz Combo, is proud to be releasing their fifth studio album “Instant Oats.”
"In the creation of this CD design I wanted to “play” around with the name of the album - so I reflected the oats in an abstract way also on the cover of the CD. The colour as well gives reflection to the name, as well conveys warm and welcoming feel." - Zane
CD Design
January 2016